Current Pose:

Balasana - Child

Balasana (Child's Pose)

Posture Classification: Primary, Kneeling Forward-Bending Pose
Experience Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Practice

Yogaology of Balasana:

Bala translates from native Sanskrit into English as: Not fully grown, Not fully developed, Young, Childish.

Asana translates from native Sanskrit into English as: Posture or Seat.

Put them together, (Bala + Asana) = Balasana, Easy Pose, Child's Pose.

Whenever the mind or body says: "I need a break!" move into this stable, comfortable, relaxed,position and enjoy the many benefits such as:
*Gentle stretch for the ankles, thighs and hips
*May relieve pain in the lower back
*Gentle stretch for the spine.
*Creates slight compression in the abdomen, aiding in digestion.
*Brings a sense of calm back into the mind and body.
*Reveals mental and emotional state of being.
*Relieves stress and tension.
*Normalizes circulation throughout the body.

Purpose of Balasana: We create the shape of child's pose to nurture the feeling of peace and renewal from within. The shape duplicates the primary curve of an unborn child and gravity helps draw the surrendering body deeper into the position. For many, this pose stimulates positive feelings of devotion and gratitude.

To practice on the mat, follow these simple steps to create Balasana (Child's Pose)

1. Kneel down, sitting on your heels. Knees and feet are together.

2. Take a full inhalation. On the exhalation, gently bend forward and place your forehead on the floor.

3. Inhale, keep the forehead on the floor with sitting bones on your heals. Exhale and extend arms down and along your sides. Rest the tops of the hands on the floor behind you, with palms of the hands facing up.

4. Find your still, stable and comfortable position by tuning in to your breath. Is it long, deep and regular? If not, adjust the pose until you feel the breath is long, deep and regular.

5. Hold the position and breathe.

As you inhale, visualize drawing the breath in through your navel. Feel the navel move slightly backward toward the spine. Exhale and release.

Inhale filling the lungs, softening the spine. Exhale. Release. Surrender.

Inhale. Feel the space between the shoulder blades stretching and opening. Exhale. Release. Relax.

To Come Out of The Pose:

Inhale - gather strength - slide the arms and hand up, rest the palms of the hands directly underneath the tops of the shoulders. Exhale and lift the torso back to an upright position, sitting on the heels. Inhale - gather strength. Exhale back to a standing position. Observe how you feel.

Thank you for creating Balasana (Child's Pose) today.

Mindful Practice Information:

The entire purpose behind each yoga position is: To relax and breath.

Remember yoga is anti-competitive. Every body is unique and every day is different.
Q: How Do I Know That I Am Doing It Right?

A: Feel what you are doing as you do it. Check in with the breath. Is it smooth and even? Check in with the body, does the posture feel stable and pleasant?

If you feel stable and pleasant then you are doing it right.

If you feel strain in the body or the breath - please ease up from what you are doing to maintain an easy and pleasant position. Be wherever you can breathe most fully and evenly.
a. A yoga posture is one that is steady and pleasant
b. Harmless in thought, word and action
c. Self talk is positive

Balasana - Child

Pronounced: Balasana.mp3

Current Article Details
  • Uploaded: 2016-08-04 15:11:34
  • Author: Donna Marie

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